What We Offer
Our training model integrates an understanding of group process from developmental and multi-system perspectives. Our intention is to enhance group leadership capacity.
Our comprehensive approach to training
examines the evolution of group theory and practice from the traditional and historical models
to more modern and current practices.
Using a developmental lens, we explore and integrate the various experiences of the self, the group member, the group as a whole and the group leader,
incorporating theoretical and experiential learning, self-reflection and application.
Our program is delivered over 4 intensive weekends:
Fridays 1-7 pm, Saturdays & Sundays 11 am-5 pm,
through the developmental progression
of the lifespan of a group.
Experiential Learning
A key component of our training program is experiential learning.
Experiential learning uses the parallel process
of the trainee group
to bring group theory to life.
The connections between theory and lived experience are explored through:
participation in process groups, structured exercises, activities,
belonging to the trainee group and experiential reflection.
We recognize that effective group leadership involves ongoing growth and evolution.
We support this process through the integration of theoretical and applied learning, feedback and continued self-reflection.
Our peer consultation is offered in a group format, which harnesses all the learning opportunities available in the group setting.
Online Learning
Through these past 3 years, when in-person learning has been challenging, we have been developing a series of online learning opportunities, including:
Leadership Conversation Series
This complimentary series offers an opportunity to learn from a diverse group of recognized leaders in the field of group practice.
Through 1-hour conversations, our faculty explore the various influences that have helped shape these leaders' practices,
as well as their approaches to leadership within our current context.
Half-day and full-day workshops explore various topics in greater depth
with core and invited faculty experts.
These offerings will continue to grow as our program expands.
Group Leadership Consultation
Small group (6-12 participants) education,
integrating theoretical and applied learning.
Facilitated 8-week cycles, 2 hours/week.
Process Group Training Experiences
Full-day small group (6-12 participants) experience for group leaders to learn about group dynamics by participating as a member of a group committed to examining its own process.
Conversation Recordings
Curated Reading Lists
Themed Newsletters
reflecting our collective responses to current contexts.
We believe that an understanding of group dynamics and processes enhances the functioning of any group, team or community.
Fees, Discounts and Cancellation Policies
Please contact us for information about how our team can support yours.